How to replace a dead car battery

The average lifetime of a car battery is three to five years. But how do you know when you need to replace your battery? We’ll cover indications that your battery is failing and then lead you through a car battery replacement. It’s one of the easiest DIY jobsas long as you follow the right steps.

Where is the battery?

You’ll most likely find your car battery under the hood in one of the front corners of the engine bay. On some vehicles, the battery is in the trunk or beneath the rear passenger seat. If you can’t easily find your car’s battery, check your owner’s manual for its location. 

Safety precautions

Although replacing your battery will take less than a half hour, some safety steps need to be followed: 

  • Ensure you have good ventilation. 
  • Do not smoke anywhere near a battery. 
  • Wear protective clothing. 
  • Use only lights with bulbs that are protected inside the light’s housing. 

Batteries are highly flammable. Although you will not be opening the battery (that would be extremely dangerous), taking these precautions will help protect you should something happen. 

Test your car battery

Sometimes, your battery may just need a boost instead of a replacement. Before you remove it, test its condition with a battery tester or multimeter. If your car or truck battery holds a 12.6 V charge, try saving it with a boost. 

If you still need to replace the battery, connect a memory saver to your vehicle first. This is a small battery that connects to the 12 V socket in your engine bay or your OBD port under your steering wheel. It has just enough current to keep the data in your vehicle’s RAM safe. 

Other problems affecting your vehicle’s battery

A dead or malfunctioning battery can be the sign of other issues: 

  • Problems with the charging system 
  • Unwanted drain on the battery
  • Impurities in the electrolyte
  • Excessive temperature
  • Long periods of disuse

If your battery passes the multimeter test and you can jump start it, yet it still doesn’t hold its charge and despite being relatively new, consider these other signs. A NAPA Auto Parts expert will be happy to help you with any questions. 

Find the right battery for your vehicle

As they say, if it walks like a duck and acts like a duck, it’s probably a duck. So, if you think it’s a dead battery, it’s probably a dead battery, which means it’s time to replace it. 

If you were happy with your old battery, look for its name and manufacturing number on the battery case so you can find the same one. 

However, if you want a different battery, refer to your owner’s manual for the size, voltage, and terminal placements you need in a compatible battery. Unlike AAA batteries, which you can install in any device that takes them, the right automotive battery will have specifications you must follow. 

You can also visit your local NAPA Auto Parts store for expert advice or search our website for a compatible battery. Enter your vehicle information in the top left corner when you search, and our website will show you batteries guaranteed to fit. 

After you’ve purchased your new battery, clean the terminals and protect them with a battery protector. Then ensure the battery is fully charged before installing it in your vehicle. Skipping these preparations risks an overload and potential damage to the vehicle’s charging system. 

What equipment do you need to change a car battery?

As you search for the replacement battery, also check your other tools using this handy list: 

Also ensure you have proper lighting and good ventilation. Ideally, replace your battery outdoors. 

How to remove your vehicle’s battery

When you’re ready, remove your car’s battery following these steps: 

  1. Disconnect the negative terminal with a small wrench (8mm or 10 mm). 
  2. Disconnect the positive terminal. 
  3. Remove the battery holder/clamp and any bolts or screws keeping it in place. 
  4. Remove the battery from the battery tray (it may be heavier than you expect). 

You must complete these steps in order. Disconnecting the positive terminal first risks short-circuiting the battery and damaging the electric components of your car. 

If a battery terminal cable is stuck, gently tapping it with the hammer can help loosen it from the terminal post. 

Did you buy your old battery from NAPA? Take it to your local NAPA Auto Parts store, along with your invoice, to have it recycled. You’ll also receive a store credit for the amount of your core charge deposit. 

How to install the new battery

You’re now ready to put in your new battery. Follow these steps to get the job done: 

  1. Confirm there’s no corrosion on the battery terminals and cables (clean further if necessary). 
  2. Place the new battery in the battery tray. 
  3. Reattach the battery holder/clamp. 
  4. Connect the positive terminal. 
  5. Connect the negative terminal. 

Tips to extend your car battery’s life

Most batteries today are labelled “maintenance free.” Older types of batteries used to require periodic electrolyte top-ups. (Some modern, heavy ones still do.) So, “maintenance free” means this step is no longer needed. 

However, your battery will still require some attention to perform its best: 

  • Park your vehicle in the shade to avoid overheating your battery. 
  • Check and clean the terminals and top of the battery to reduce the rate of self-discharge. 
  • Ensure the battery is securely clamped into position so excessive vibration doesn’t shorten its life. 
  • Include trips over 15 minutes in your planning so your battery receives enough charge. 
  • Double-check that all electronics are off when you turn off the vehicle to avoid unwanted power drains. 

What about my EV battery?

Should you suspect you have a problem with your electric vehicle’s battery, contact your nearest NexDrive service centre. EV batteries should only be handled by mechanics with specialized training because of the high-voltage system they power. 

Certain conditions, like extreme heat, can take a toll on EV batteries just as they do on the batteries in gas-powered cars. So park your vehicle under shade whenever possible. You can also improve your range by pre-conditioning your vehicle before you head out in the heat or cold. 

If you have questions or concerns about car battery replacement, visit your local NAPA Auto Parts store to speak with an expert.

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